25th anniversary celebration in lockdown

Type of post: Orchestra news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Emma Cordell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 19 Apr 2020

The Yorkshire Wind Orchestra 25th anniversary concert was scheduled for 16 May and we were very disappointed to have to postpone it.
Our committee discussed how to mark the occasion anyway and thought it would be fitting to make a lockdown recording of Happy Birthday. There are several arrangements of Happy Birthday available for concert band but we wanted something that better reflected YWO's personality and style so we asked our MD, Keiron Anderson, to write an arrangement for us.
Over a couple of weeks, members of the wind orchestra recorded their individual parts ready to be combined into a final video. However, we hit a snag when we remembered that our timpani were locked away in our rehearsal venue. A cheeky email later and Mark Wagstaff, percussionist with Opera North, agreed to record the timp part for us.
Once the final video has been edited and mixed - by Ricardo Lacombe - we'll make it available on social media and on our website in support of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity. A pdf version of the arrangement will also be available. 
Keiron Anderson - soundcloud.com/keiron-anderson-music
Ricardo Lacombe - ricardolacombe.co.uk
Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity - yascharity.org.uk